Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why are you being such a whiny bitch?

I am permitted to have a little whine and a moan. And there are multiple reasons why I am like this currently. All of which, I wish not to go into to much detail with. Okays?

Ask me anything

Would you rather: Lady GaGa or Hayley Williams? Answer carefully, Niall.

Right. After much contemplation, I would have to say Hayley Williams. Purely for the fact that I have had a massive girl crush on her for AGES! And I have seen her in actual person. Not taking away from GaGa, she'd still get done...hard. If it was talent wise though, GaGa would win it!!

Ask me anything

how big is your penis? not a joke btw.

7,493,848 inches =]

Ask me anything

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

why do you pretend to be gay?

Erm, I don't. I am 100% homosexual.

Ask me anything

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ask me anything

whits wrong wae fannies?

I just find them unattractive.

Ask me anything

describe to me, your ideal night in

Some nice wine, some good TV (Doctor Who, etc), good company, maybe good looking guy. :)

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Sunday, April 18, 2010

if you could have any designer make you clothing who would it be?

oooooh. errr. *googles* Cheer Up Clothing, Levi's for the awesome jeans. I don't really like designer stuff, except my Converse. :D Generic Tees FTW

Ask me anything

What's your favourite flavour of pot noodle?

Chicken and Mushroom. The green one! :D

Ask me anything

Friday, April 16, 2010

Whats your sexual orintation?


Ask me anything

Nah, no point. You don't know me. I'm an Englander;) Where are you from?

I talk to people I don't know all the time! It's how you get to know them. I am from a little city in Scotland called Stirling, cause I am trés cool.

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Nah, no point. You don't know me. I'm an Englander;) Where are you from?

I talk to people I don't know all the time! It's how you get to know them. I am from a little city in Scotland called Stirling, cause I am trés cool.

Ask me anything

hey add me on myspace

Hi, I do have, but do not use MySpace. Tbh, I don't like it. So it wouldn't be worth your while for me to add you (what's with the adding, I thought everyone followed nowadays) Do you follow me on Twitter? Sorry for answering your question, which is actually a request, with question.

Ask me anything

NO :L I didn't mean it like that:). I meant that we don't know each other, just thought I'd tell you:) aha. I found you randomly..

Oh Okay, Are you going to reveal your identity to me?

Ask me anything

Woo:D. You do know I don't know you..

Yeah, so? I don't care who knows. Everyone already does! God, you're so out of the loop.

Ask me anything

sexual orientation?


Ask me anything

GLEE New Episode! :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday, April 09, 2010

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

You're no fun. All daddy wanted was a blowwie.

Well, you're not my dad.... *dun dun dun*

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Do as you're told or you'll go over my knee, young man.


Ask me anything

Yes, it is me, your father. Now get down on your knees, like the dirty slut you are, and make Papa proud.

Well, I don't have flight tickets, you're too far away, also, you repulse me. Anyway, I am taken by a lovely man. :3

Ask me anything

So two questions down... he/she got PWND, just saying. Good job Niall! Anyways, as one of your international friends, how was your day? (:

My day was very good, if somewhat boring. It was very pleasant though, I saw my best friend in her bridesmaid dress and then she beat me at MarioKart. How was yours mysterious international friend?

Ask me anything

BOO. my chode pure needed sucking and i heard you were a filthy chode-sucking machine. D:


Ask me anything

Why does my mom call me fat

Either it is A) Because you eat to much and are fat. Or B) Because you have a medical condition that makes you look fat. Simples x

Ask me anything

niall sucks chode, yes? :]

No, Niall sucks normal width x length penis. Sorry to disappoint.

Ask me anything

why do you keep making these, if people wanted to ask you questions, would they not just ask them, rather than use some awful self-indulgant webservice?

Well I do have some international friends who may wish to ask me questions. But may I ask you one question, why, if you believe this website to be "awful" and "self-indulgant", which, for your information, is spelt with an e and not an a, why lower yourself to depths that seem to repulse you by using it to ask me a question on it? Hmmm? It makes no sense. Even if you say "It was to prove a point." That's a load of b/s because you shouldn't even waste a morsel of your time on something you so obviously dislike.

Ask me anything

Monday, April 05, 2010

Ask me anything, you know you want to!

Monday, March 15, 2010

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